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statutory notification中文是什么意思

用"statutory notification"造句"statutory notification"怎么读"statutory notification" in a sentence


  • 法定公告


  • Will continue to monitor the situation via the statutory notification system and returns from ha for suspected and confirmed dengue fever cases
  • For tenancy agreements , the relevant statutory notification to the rating and valuation department can also be submitted online in one go
  • On disease surveillance , the department of health ( dh ) would continue to monitor local and imported cases of dengue fever via a statutory notification system and reports from the hospital authority
    在疾病监控方面, ?生署会继续透过法定的呈报系统及医院管理局提交的报告,监察本地或外地传入的登革热个案。
  • The department of health produces timely and comprehensive statistics on health status and disease surveillance of local population . data sources include registration of vital events , statutory notifications of infectious diseases , sentinel surveillance systems , population health surveys and other studies
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